HE REFUSES TO GIVE IN. SHE REFUSES TO GIVE IT UP. Alexandra Mancuso knows all about regrets. She talked to the wrong person and started a war that’s ravaged her newly adopted motorcycle club family and threatens to cost Alex her life. Now, she’s cautious with the commitments she makes. Ryan Stone, road captain for the Forsaken Motorcycle Club regrets nothing—except putting Cub in danger one time too many. The Forsaken Motorcycle Club has a plan to end the war with the Mancuso crime family and they need everyone’s head in the game. But Ryan can’t focus on the club when he’s so distracted by a certain reckless brunette. She gives him everything except for what he really wants. Today, he refuses to take no for an answer and maybe, just maybe, this time Alex won’t be able to stand her ground. True love always defies the odds. Continue reading
Elude Trailer Reveal

1 Year Blog Birthday Blog Blast
EEEEK!! It’s almost here and I cannot believe this much time has passed!
The week of July 4th Breathless Ink will officially be 1 year old!
A whole lot has happened and changed over the course of our first year and our little blog has grown into quite a thing to behold.
Shattered Series
Title: Break Me, Always Me & Rembember Me
Author: JM Walker
Series: Shattered
Published by: Beau Coup Publishing, LLC
Date published: Sept. 22, 2914
Genres: Contemporary
Book Length: 238 pages
Steam Rating: Steamy/Risque
Main Characters: Sebastian & Tori
“I so wanted Sebastion to be a good guy! hahaha It killed me to learn who he really was…”~Becca
Bidding On Brooks
Title: Bidding On Brooks
Author: Katy Regnery
Series: Winslow Brothers
Published by: Indie
Date published: May 11, 2015
Genres: Contemporary
Book Length: 190 pages
Steam Rating: Steamy
Main Characters: Brooks & Skye
“Bidding on Brooks is a 5 Deep Breath book that you will not want to put down!!”~Becca
Antagonize Me Release Blitz
Antagonize me
by T.L. Smith
Release Date: May 5, 2015
Goodreads — https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25119156-antagonize-me
Waiting to Lose

Her Heart’s Surrender
Title: Her Heart’s Surrender
Author: Allison Merritt
Published by: Three Worlds Press
Date published: April 9, 2015
Genres: Historical
Book Length: 167 pages
Steam Rating: Steamy
Main Characters: Ealasaid & Hella
“I adored this book. I loved the story line, the historical aspect of things, the romance, the challenges they faced and the ending left me hoping for a second book! (You can’t ask for more than that!)” ~Becca
Unexpected Chance

Cover Reveal for T.L. Smith
Antagonize me
by T.L. Smith
Release Date: May 5, 2015
I wanted what she had, she had what I wanted. With her long blonde hair and her legs that never ended, she had him, but I wanted him.
We can’t always have what we want, and sometimes that’s the way life is meant to be. Sometimes destiny places other people in our path, a path that should not be mixed. But also sometimes, just sometimes, the paths cross, causing an explosive reaction.
Tanner was my crush. A crush that I’ve had since I first laid eyes on him. But now he’s dating my friend… my beautiful, flawless and perfect friend.
Then out of nowhere Kyrone bursts into my life, taking me over bit by bit. I don’t know how to feel about that. I don’t know what to do. He frustrates me. He annoys me. But most of all, he makes me smile.
Kobo – http://bit.ly/1De2krF
Nook – http://bit.ly/1DVo8Jc
Meet TL
T.L. lives in Brisbane, Australia with her 2 children. She started writing because of her love of reading. She used to doodle with ideas when she was younger, but never wrote too much. Her life dream is to be a full time author. If you ask her if she is like her characters, she says, “I am like both of the characters from my two book series. I think I have put a bit of myself in both….Krinos tends to say things without thinking, I do the same. She also rules the roost, and I do the same in my household.” Her celebrity crush is Chris Hemsworth, she loves chocolate ice cream, her biggest pet peeve is nails on a chalkboard., and she is not a fan of having her photo taken. She loves being part of the Indie Book world, and has made some amazing friends along the way. But, she acknowledges she could never do what she does if it wasn’t for the bloggers that pimp her and the fans that support her and read her books.
Stalking Links
Web Page http://tlsmithauthor.wordpress.com/?blogsub=confirmed#blog_subscription-2
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