Hi guys and welcome to Breathless Ink!
My name is Becca (I will be reviewing the steamy Adult stuff over here on Breathless Ink) and I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that we are working on getting this site up and running! I am so happy that you have taken the time to stop by and check us out and I want to apologize if things are a bit C.R.A.Z.Y at the moment!
Dylan, Steff and I are working non-stop to get the blog fully functional!
So now, let me tell you a little about our blog and this BREATHLESS BLOG BLAST that we have coming up!
Our amazing new blog will focus on all that is awesome in the Romance genre!
We are going to be doing book reviews & giveaways, talking with authors & characters, keeping you up to date on what is new in the world of book romance and sooooo much more!
Steff is going to be handling most of our Young Adult pages, Dylan will take care of the New Adult…and I will be sure to tell you all I can about the world of Adult books! (Yeah…so mine may end up with a click through screen to make sure no impressionable eyes catch something they shouldn’t!)
Please take a moment and share our blog with your friends! It means the world to us!
Now to let you in on our not so little secret!

Yep, you read that right! We are going to start things off with a MASSIVE bang! We are each going to feature 3 Indie books and then GIVE THEM AWAY!!
Don’t miss out on all the fun! Be sure to stop back by July 4th – 8th and ENTER TO WIN!